Sunday, September 13, 2009

Very Creative

- Free Mind

The Soul Of Hip Hop

Hip hop has always needed dialogue to explain the implications and meaning of its lyrics. Michael Eric Dyson does well at summing up and discussing the Hip Hop State of the Union. In spite of changing trends, both in the music industry and among the intelligentsia, Dyson has always supported and interpreted this art that bloomed unwatered, and in many cases, unwanted from our inner cities. For those who wondered what all the fuss is about in hip hop, Dyson’s bracing and brilliant book breaks it all down.
-Free Mind

How Drugs Get Distributed

-Free Mind

The Idea of Time is Vanishing

Remember a little thing called the space-time continuum? Well what if the time part of the equation was literally running out? New evidence is suggesting that time is slowly disappearing from our universe, and will one day vanish completely. This radical new theory may explain a cosmological mystery that has baffled scientists for years.

-Free Mind


-Free Mind

Career Of A Dying Breed

Jay Z has reached a level of stardom and complexity no other rapper could reach. He is the voice of a generation of hopeful, imaginative and ambitious young men. I really appreciated this Rhapsody Commercial.

-Free Mind