Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mind Vacation

Many Free Minds will be on hiatus until august 15 2009. A soul searching, enlightening, thought provoking experience will be shared during return.

-Reach out to me-
-Free Mind

Planets and stars size in scale

-Free Mind


Retna was born in Los Angeles, California in 1979. Since first creating a name for himself in the early 1990s, Retna has become an "eternal broadcaster" of sorts, shining a light to the kinetic urban soul of Los Angeles. His work merges photography with graffiti style and paint, time with color, couture with street culture, the spiritual with the sensual, and fluidity with grit. Whether his paintings hang in a gallery or wall on the streets of Los Angeles, they serve as a retina through which we view the urban journal of contemporary art.


-Free Mind

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our Solar System Is Common In The Universe

Earlier this year, a team of international astronomers discovered a solar system nearly 5,000 light years away containing scaled-down versions of Jupiter and Saturn. Their findings suggest that our galaxy could conceivably contain many star systems similar to our own.

Similar Solar System

-Free Mind

The Network Does Not Want To See Negros On TV, Unless They Are Buffoons

Bamboozled was a satire comedy directed by spike lee. The parallels drawn between what we accept as entertainment / art and what we accept as ignorant portrayals are abundant in this film. Very strong and funny film. Don`t Believe That Hype

-Free Mind

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Toyota’s Humanoid Robot

-Free Mind


Eschers work is both aesthetically pleasing and mathematically impossible.


-Free Mind

Dash Snow

I love controversial, ill interpreted and risky photographs. Dash is all the above.
Rest In Art, Dash
-Free Mind

The Thing That Has Come From Nothing

Every painting needs to have had a painter, and every building needs to have had a builder.
Every thing for which there is no known maker, needs to have been made by something.
Maybe, thousands of years ago, a conversation like this took place... and brought theism into the world. I wonder if the dogmatism came along as quickly as in THIS example?

-Free Mind


-Free Mind